Friday, September 21, 2012

Summers Over...Bulk Up

Thirty Grilled Chicken Recipes 
Bulking is a bodybuilding term which basically means to increase your caloric intake by a decent amount, particularly protein and carbohydrates. With this increase you will most likely gain some weight and lose your abs, but this is okay. This strategy is used to put on mass in a short amount of time. After the bulking phase is done you can cut, basically SHRED up before summer starts.

When we say increase your caloric intake this doesn't mean to eat cookies and cake. It must be a CLEAN bulk if you are looking to gain size because we're looking for muscle not fat. Your diet will consist of pasta, brown rice, lean meats, clean carbs such as whole wheat breads and sweet potatoes. Ideally you want to eat six meals a day (a meal every
few hours). Not only will your meals get bigger and more often but throw an extra protein shake in the mix. Protein shakes are quick, easy and fast calories. You should absolutely have one when you wake up being that your body is protein deficient from not eating for the past 6-8 hours. The next shake should be within 45 minutes of completing your workout and lastly before bed (casein if possible being that it is slow digesting). One last tip, use low-fat milk instead of water. This will add a few extra calories to your diet. Bulk up!

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